Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some New Firsts/Missing Her

     So.. we went on our first road trip with Rylee last weekend for Labor Day. We went to Georgia to visit some of Ryan's extended family and show off our babygirl. She was amazing on the 7 hour drive. I was so proud of her. She did very well being in a new place, except she didn't go down easy at night like she usually does and she didn't sleep well at all. Once we got home we could tell she was definitely happy to be back in her own crib. She has slept all the way through the night (from 9-10pm until 7-8am) every night except for one since we've been back. :) I am so proud of her.
     And today she rolled over for the first time. So many new things. I love for her to learn and grow, but I just don't want her to grow up and stop being my little baby. She's so precious to me, I just want to hold her forever, but she already barely ever lets me hold her. She's so independent. It makes me a little sad.
     I swear she is the best baby ever. I love her so much that sometimes it feels like I can't even stand it, but in a good way. That probably doesn't make any sense, but maybe, if you're a parent, it does. I don't know. But the way I feel about her has made going to school very difficult for me. I miss her so bad that it hurts like crazy. I cry every time I go to school and hold her so tight every time I come home and pick her up. I know, it's kinda pathetic, lots of moms work or go to school or whatever and do just fine. But I'm just not one of those moms. Rylee Had her first sleepover with her Aunt Liz when she was almost 10 weeks old, the first time I had been away from her for an extended amount of time, and I was so sad, I couldn't even enjoy my precious alone time with Ryan, and I ended up just going to bed. I don't really know if this is normal, this attachment I have to her, but I'm thinking that maybe it'll get easier as I slowly get used to spending time away from her. School's only been back in session for 2 weeks, so I haven't had much practice at being without her just yet, and we all know practice makes perfect.