Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rylee's First Valentine's Day

      Rylee had a wonderful first Vday!! We took her out to lunch at Los Portales. The weather was absolutely beautiful and Ryan took the day off work, so we decided it would be the perfect day to take Rylee to the park for the first time!
       She had such a good time!! She loves to be outside, and she loves to see new things and try to figure them out, and there was lots to see and do at the park!!
     She loved going down the slides!! She went down every single slide at the park!!! (There are lots because there are different sections of play areas throughout the park!)
    I was afraid she wouldn't be big enough for the swings just yet, but I was wrong. She loved to swing!! She didn't even mind if it was going kinda high! My brave girl!
     I think her daddy had just as much fun playing at the park as she did! He took her on EVERYTHING there was to play on in the whole park! :)
    She got kinda tired of me making her stop to take pictures, she just wanted to play-play-play!!! I couldn't resist, though, as I often can't. I want to remember everything about her. She's growing up so fast, I just want to document everything.
     But finally, I gave in and started playing with her, too!! We had wayyyyyy too much fun!! :) Memories are meant to be made, not observed.
     After we played for a long time, we took a stroll around the track at the park. It was her first time in the stroller and she loved it!! :) Altogether, it was the perfect day with a perfect little Valentine.