Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Air Show 2012

       Today we went to Wings Over Halls to see the air show, and we had a blast! We took Rylee last year, but she was still a bit young to be really interested, so we were excited to see how she would react this year.
      She liked it a lot. She and Kaden had to get up and play a little, too, I wouldn't expect a toddlers to sit still for over an hour, but they both seemed to really enjoy it.
      Nonna and Granddaddy are keeping Austin for the weekend since it is Josh and Mel's first anniversary, so we got to see him at the air show, too! I just love my little nephew. He is so sweet! He liked the show at first, but the loud noises kind of put him on edge and he was fussy throughout the second half of the show. Rylee got a bit nervous at some of the louder planes, so I can see how it would frighten baby Austin.
     After the air show, Liz, Brandon, Kade, Ryan, Rylee, and I headed to Dyersburg. We went to the city park and played for a while and then we went to dinner at El Patio. We had such an amazing day together. I just love weekends! :) Work is going good, even though I am still getting the hang of things. I honestly love what I do. This week we are moving out of apartment and into a house. Mary and Bailey are moving in, too. It is going to be a busy, crazy week, but everything will work out and get done eventually. I'm excited for this next adventure in our lives! ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to School

      This week is the first week of school, and, boy, has it been crazy! I had no idea how exhausting it would be! I met my girls on Monday and my boys on Tuesday. Today was the first day that I had my whole class. Monday and Tuesday were a little bit off-kilter, but today was great. I love all 19 of my "babies," and I am so excited to finally have a class of my own. I am working harder than I have worked in my entire life, but I am loving every single minute of it. The first day caught me a little off guard because I had never even observed a first day of class before, so I wasn't prepared for how overwhelming it could be. I am glad that I feel much more comfortable now, and my kids are well on their way to being "trained" in my classroom rules and procedures. Next week I start really teaching, and I am excited. Practicing procedures and testing for reading levels and such is just not nearly as fun as instruction time! :)
     I just have to add coming home to this sweet face everyday really is just the icing on the cake of my sweet life! :)