Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rylee Love Goes to Kindergarten

     I can't believe it, but it is true: Rylee Love is officially a kindergartener! Today was her very first day at MES. She has been counting down to this day, and I have been dreading it. It's so hard to handle my first born growing up on me! Waaaa!
    She rocked her Mario backpack and Lunchbox and her Toadette bow for good luck. My girl is one of a kind! She was so excited all morning, then came time to be dropped off and she got a little nervous. She didn't cry or act out, but she shut down and I started to get worried, but she let me walk away without a fuss, so I thought we were in the clear.
     Then Ms. Tiffany came into my room around 11, and it was meltdown time. If you've followed my blog you know, Rylee Love has struggled with anxiety from a very early age, so I wasn't shocked, but it's never easy for either of us when it happens: Rylee Love had a panic attack. We aren't sure what exactly set it off, she may have been scared of the megaphone siren at recess, she could have just been worn out from a fun-filled morning, who knows? But she became very upset, and she said her whole body hurt, and she couldn't breathe, and I just felt terrible for her. Thankfully, I was able to leave my class with my assistant, so I could talk to her and get her silky out of my car (which she proceeded to carry around the school for the rest of the day-yep my kid is THAT kid...), but honestly Ms. Tiffany was able to calm her down better than I was. It feels so good to know I am leaving her in such caring and capable hands each day! After that minor setback, the rest of her day went without a hitch! She even got to move her clip up because she knows how to count by tens. She was so proud of herself.
    It may sound crazy to some, but I am so very proud of my big girl. She canNOT help her anxiety, but the way she copes with it and continues to go on after something as mentally and physically exhausting as a panic attack amazes me. I'm not sure I could bounce back the way she does. She is only 5 years old. I just love her so! I cannot believe how growny she is! Why must my babies grow up so quickly?!