Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day Fun!

     On Tuesday night, we had a chance for snow. We put our pjs on inside out and did our snow dance, but all we got was a tiny bit of yucky ice! Boo! Lauderdale County Schools got out for the day, but all it got us in Tipton County Schools was a 2 hour delay. The girls enjoyed their extra time to sleep in and did a little ice skating on the sidewalk before we had to go.
     There was a greater chance for snow for today, so good of a chance that most schools in our area went ahead and called off school for today last night. We were thrilled when we got the call that we were getting a 3-day-weekend, but we were still hopeful we would get some snow to play in.
     And we did! We played and played and played until we were frozen. Then we came in, warmed up, and went back out to play some more. I love snow days!
    Hopefully this is just the first of many, this school year, but that doesn't look too promising. So I will just enjoy today and go from there.