Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Payton Joy 0 Stomach Flu 1

    Friday afternoon Payton Joy began to get sick. She was up much of Friday night, but seemed to be on the mend Saturday morning and even went outside to play in the snow as it began to fall Saturday evening. We figured it was just a 24 hours bug and she would be good as new shortly.
     Then Saturday night she woke up sicker than before. I knew it was really bad when she chose to take a morning nap instead of go outside and play in the snow with Rylee before it all melted away. She began to have difficulty staying conscious. She would wake up only to get sick and then pass out. We began to get worried, so we took Rylee to Nonna and Granddaddy's and took Payton to Jackson to Urgent Care.
   The Urgent Care doctors ran a few test to rule out strep and flu. Then they took a urine sample to test for UTI, and decided from the ketones found in her urine that Payton was too dehydrated for them to treat, and sent us on the the ER.

     When we got to the ER, they took us back very quickly and immediately put an IV in even before running any tests. Once they took some tests, they said Payton was just 1 point away from being so dehydrated that she would need to be admitted. Her CO2 was at 16, and at 15 they automatically admit. As soon as the bag of fluid was in her, she began to perk up and immediately begged for Cheetos. The doctor said this was a good sign and sent us home. She was still getting sick, but the virus was starting to slow down. Monday morning she woke up with a rash, so I took her to her pediatrician and he said it was a result of her virus and usually once the viral rash appears, the rest of the symptoms stop.
   He was right! She went back today for a final check up to make sure her hydration status was improving, and it  is! He said she should be good as new soon. After her appointment, we all ate at Pizza Hut and she pigged out. I'm so happy to have our silly, sassy little girl back. And I hope to never see her that sick again. It was terrible!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Read Across America Day

     Today is Read Across America Day! Rylee Love's class got to dress up like their favorite book characters. Rylee chose Little Bea. Payton Joy didn't want to miss out on a chance to dress up, so she dressed up, too. She said she was a Minnie Mouse Flower Princess... ha! 
     As a special treat for Read Across America, Ryan came to read to my class today. Sadly, many young children don't get the chance to hear men read to them. They ate it up! Ryan reads with lots of expression and silly voices and the kids were so into it. It was absolutely precious.

    After he finished reading to my class, he went to read to Rylee Love's class. She was so excited to have her daddy at school. Her class loved it just as much as mine did. It is so important for young children to have stories read to them and have good reading role models. I am so thankful that I have an awesome husband who is willing to step out of his comfort zone and entertain our classes.
    After all the reading was done, Ryan went to lunch with Rylee so she could eat on the stage with him. Because he works second shift, she doesn't usually get to see him on weekdays, so she thoroughly enjoyed this special one-on-one time with him. It just melts my heart to see their precious bond. She is for sure her daddy's girl!