Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Our New Home

      Last night we hosted our first cookout in our new home. Friday, our new carpet came in, so we had our families over to see the house now that it is finally coming together.
      Nonna bought the kids a bubble machine as their housewarming gift. They absolutely love it. We now have plenty of yard space for them to enjoy it, too.
      The food was great, but the company was better. Everyone seemed to have a great time and the night really could not have gone any better.
     The kids were excited that there were a few presents to unwrap. We are so spoiled by our families!
    Ryan is excited about his new "toy". We are so thankful for the people in our lives who are always there. Ryan's parents came over Friday night after the carpet was installed and helped me get all the furniture where it needed to be and put beds back together. They are always here when we need them and that is the best feeling in the world. It's something that has been hard for me to get used to because I never had that. I am truly blessed with the best parents (I can't even call them in-laws anymore because that doesn't cover it at all.) in the world!
      They also surprised us with this awesome fire pit! We are going to spend so many nights out on the patio enjoying this. I am so thankful for our little family and for our new home and I'm so very grateful for all the people who love and support us and came to celebrate our newest adventure. We have worked so hard on this house. I've never worked so hard on anything in my life. But it is so rewarding to see all our hard work pay off, and now we get to enjoy our beautiful home.
    The living room picture from the realtor posting vs the living room now. 
        The dining room picture from the realtor posting vs the dining room now.
    The second bedroom picture from the realtor posting vs Payton's room now. 
    The first bedroom picture from the realtor posting vs Rylee's room now. 

    The master bedroom picture from the realtor posting vs the master bedroom now. 
    The hall bathroom picture from the realtor posting vs the hall bathroom now. 
    It might not look like much, but this is one of favorite additions to the house. I don't have a before picture of this space because before it was just an unused entrance area, but adding these cubbies and hooks has made it the perfect drop zone for us so that we have somewhere to keep our school stuff organized and ready to go. Before we got the house, every wall was a very blah pinky-beige color with dirty off-white trim. We painted all the walls with more flattering colors and painted all the trim bright white. The carpet was so gross and stained and starting to wrinkle up. We put in new carpet that is a bright, light gray. It has given the house such a nice face lift. We have more remodeling we plan on doing in the future, but for now we are very happy with the results. I can't believe this is ours!