Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trying to Get the Hang of Things

    So... Rylee is three weeks old today. We have had many adventures so far, and are still trying to get the hang of daily life and get settled into a comfortable routine. There are moments when I want to pull my hair out, but I adore my babygirl so very much, and I know things will settle down eventually. Every day there is something new to look forward to. Just yesterday during a routine diaper change, she began to pee full force and shot pee all over her room, herself, and me. All I could do was laugh and then clean it up. One day, I am going to tell her about these adventures and she is going to be mortified. Lol. I can't wait.
   But on the other hand, I can. It makes me sad how quickly she is growing up already. She changes every day. She's already learned to get her hand to her mouth so she can suck her thumb, how to lift up her head to look up at her mommy and daddy, how to reach up and swing at her dangling toys on her bouncer, and she's spending more and more time awake and alert each day.
   I don't want to miss a single minute, or wish this time together away, but I do look forward to when she begins to sleep through the night. Getting more than 3 hours of sleep at a time sounds like a dream come true. I love her so and do not mind taking care of her when she needs me, but I would really love for her to need me less between 10 pm and 8 am. Lol. But I am not the first mother to feel this way, and I know all too quickly, this chapter of our life will be over.

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