Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Rylee's First Christmas(es)

    Rylee's first Christmas was absolutely amazing. It was so amazing to see her face light up when she got all her gifts. I was scared maybe she was too young to understand, but she did great.  She got soooo spoiled!! She celebrated Christmas with my family on the 21st, mommy and daddy on Christmas Eve, Ryan's extended family on Christmas morning, Aunt Liz and Uncle Brandon on Christmas afternoon, and Nonna and Pop and Aunt Mel on Christmas evening.

     First came Christmas with my family and she had a blast! She got tons of good stuff!! It was so much fun having all the babies together!!! It is hard to believe how much we have all been blessed this year!! 3 sweet 2010 babies all  in one family!!!
     On Christmas eve, Ryan and I read her the first Christmas story and told her all about Jesus and she was so funny she just sat there and listened like she knew what we were saying was important and she understood every word. :) She got this wonderful present from us and we couldn't have asked for a better reaction. She smiled so big and started jumping up and down when we showed it to her!
     On Christmas morning, we headed over to Granny and Pawpaw's for breakfast and gifts. Since, Rylee is the only baby in the family, she got twice as many gifts as anyone else did!! She scored, big time!! Haha!
     Then we headed over to Liz and Brandon's to exchange gifts and she got another big present!! :) And of course I got to snuggle on the new lil man a little bit! :)
        By the time we got to Nonna and Pop's she was so tired. She didn't last long before she passed out on Granny's shoulder. The perfect ending to her first Christmas!

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