Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, January 10, 2011

6 1/2 Months Old Already?

       Rylee is doing amazing. She is so smart and so well behaved. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She is constantly smiling and laughing. She now sits up on her own and reaches for her toys and starts to play with them. Her first word was "Hi/hey" but "Dada" followed soon after. She's said "Mama" a few times, but not enough just yet for us to consider it one of the words she knows. She is so amazing.
     My first semester of school as a mommy went well; it was also my first semester since I began college in the fall of 2008 that I made straight A's. I think my good grades were a combination of the motivation I got from wanting to be the best I could for the sake of Rylee and also that I finally got into courses on my major and I enjoyed the subject matter much more. My next semester starts this Thursday. I am anxious to see what this semester has in store for me.
      Rylee is loving her newest cousin! At first she was a little confused on whether he was a toy or a pet or what, but now it seems she understands that he's like her and she's protective over him. If he cries she shouts out as if to tell us, "Hey, he needs your atttention, now!" It's so sweet.
       Today was Rylee's first snow day. We took her outside to see it, but she hated it. I don't think she enjoyed how cold and wet it was, and I can't blame her because I hate it, too, but maybe next year she'll like it more.
     Ryan and I are doing amazing. I know this probably sounds cheesey, but I seriously keep falling more and more in love with him as our marriage grows older and more mature. Sometimes I just look at him and I can't even remember a time when I didn't love him and need him. He is such an amazing father. Rylee adores him. She cries when he leaves the room. She reaches for him each time he's within her eyesight. It's amazing that there is a person in this world now that is part him and part me. It's the most amazing feeling. God has really blessed us.
     We are blessed beyond measure. She sleeps 11-12 hours straight at night and takes 2 to 3 1-2 hour naps each day. Girl loves her some sleep!!! Lol. But when she's awake she is full of fun and energy and I just adore every minute of being this angel's mommy.

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