Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Day at the Park

     Today, the weather was not too hot. It was cloudy and breezy, but not rainy. It was just the right weather for some fun at the park! Ryan and I had to go pay some bills anyways, so we decided to go all together, pick up some lunch, have a picnic at the park, and then let Rylee play for a while.
     She had a lot of fun! She ate her lunch and some tator tots from our lunches. Then, she played and played and played. She went down the slide about a hundred times. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much! She swang, walked on the "worm", rode on the merry-go-round, practiced walking around with her daddy holding her hands, and then she went down the slide some more!
    We were so glad to have such a good day with her after last week. It was such an exhausting, emotional, nightmarish week. I'm just so glad it's over. Rylee had an awful stomach virus that lasted for nearly four days. It led to her first doctor visit for anything other than a check-up, and it had us pretty worried. I know she's gonna get sick or hurt sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be okay with it!

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