Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Field Trip Fun

      Today I took a personal day to go on Rylee Love's kindergarten field trip to Tennessee Safari Park with her and her class. It was so much fun. I love getting to step out of my "teacher" role and into my "mom" role on days like these.
    I loved getting to see Rylee interact with her school friends that I hear her talk about every day. All of the kids had so much fun see all the animals.
     We got to take a wagon ride through the huge park and feed bread to all the animals. It was the coolest experience. We've been to the safari park before, but never on a field trip and the wagon ride is apparently only for field trips.
       Her class had  a wonderful time petting and feeding the animals. Then we enjoyed a picnic lunch and the kids got to play on the playground equipment.
    The best part about chaperoning her field trip is I was able to take her with me as soon as we got back to the school, so we had time to go pick up Payton Joy and enjoy some time at the park. This was the perfect way to spend a personal day. I love making memories with my girls!

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