Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, November 19, 2016

An "Incredible" Day with Uncle Ben

   Today, Ben was able to get a 6-hour pass from Teen Challenge Memphis to spend the Day with us! We did a little shopping at Kohl's and then spent the rest of the time at Incredible Pizza Co! We all had so much fun.
    Ben was nervous since, other than for a quick moment at his baptism, he hadn't seen the girls since January that they wouldn't remember him, but he was way wrong. They both warmed right up to him, but especially Payton Joy. She and Ben were inseparable the entire day. It was so precious.
     Of course, the kids had a blast riding the rides and playing the games, but so did we! It was so good to finally be able to spend some real time with my brother! I have missed him so, but I am so proud of him and his commitment to Teen Challenge and the progress he has made throughout his time there.
    It was a perfect day even though it was hard to say goodbye at the end. Payt had the hardest time with it, but if everything goes right, we might get to "steal" him for 4 whole days for Christmas. That would be amazing!

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