Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse

         Today there was a Solar Eclipse over much of the United States. We weren't in an area that was able to see 100% totality, but it was very close to it. Everyone put on their special glasses and went outside to see.
     I was a little nervous about taking my Pre-K students outside because of all the talk about possible eye damage, but they did great with keeping their glasses on and I'm glad they got to see it.
     Our class was seated near Rylee's so we got to watch it together. She was so excited. Until it was over. Then she was very mad. She expected there to be something more and was mad she had to go in without seeing what she had expected to see. She had a complete and total meltdown that lasted the rest of the day. She screamed and kicked and cried and had to be carried back into the building and spend the rest of the day out of her classroom because she was so upset.
    Payton Joy was having nap time during the eclipse, so she missed it, but she wanted a glasses picture, too. Haha! My little ham! She can't miss an opportunity to have her picture taken.

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