Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Baby

My Baby ~ Rebecca Lee Massengill

And when I dream about you, my dreams are so real.
It's like I can hold you and feel how you feel.
I can't wait to meet you, my angel inside.
No matter where you go, from my love you can't hide.

'Cause you're my baby and I'll love you forever.
You're my strength to make it through the day.
You're my warm place in cold, stormy weather.
You're my baby, and my baby you'll stay.

And when you grow older, I will always be there.
To teach you and love you and show you I care
I don't want you to ever feel all alone.
I'm your mommy, with me you'll always have a home.

'Cause you're my baby and I'll love you forever.
You're my strength to make it through the day.
You're my warm place in cold, stormy weather.
You're my baby, and my baby you'll stay.

     So, I've been feeling very sentimental today. I had my baby shower for Rylee yesterday and seeing all of her stuff made me so anxious to meet her. And then I had the most realistic dream about her last night, and now I'm just so ready to hold my babygirl in my arms. I already love her so much, I cannot imagine how I will feel once I finally get to meet her. I'm having a C-section on Monday, June 21 because she is breech. I am so nervous about the actual procedure, but I am so ready to meet her and this complication means I get to meet her early, so I guess there's positive in every situation. Only 2 weeks until I get to hold my babygirl!!


  1. I can't believe you have you blog going. I need to get mine started ! :) Love the poem!

  2. Thanks, girlie! I was wondering when you were gonna get yours up and going since it was your idea for us to get blogs. Lol.
