Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, October 1, 2010

14 Weeks Old & Counting

     So, Rylee is already fourteen weeks old. She's going to be fifteen weeks old on Monday, and I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by. She seems so big to me now. She can do all kinds of things. She has mastered rolling over, she can roll over from her back to her tummy and from her tummy to her back. When on her tummy, she can lift her shoulders neck and head up with her arms so that she can look around the room. She is also becoming more and more mobile, starting to scoot around during tummy time. When on her back, she can kick and reach for toys hanging above her and directly beside her. She has mastered sleeping through the night and sleeps right through every single time now. And she is beginning to master sitting up, she can sit up unsupported for about 2 full seconds before she begins to waiver and fall either forward or backwards.
    Last weekend my sister, Mary and her daughter Bailey who is 7 months old visited and Rylee seemed to really enjoy the company from someone close to her age. She did not appreciate the way that Bailey showed excitement which unfortunately was to slap Rylee in the face, but she did seem to learn a lot from her and begin to try new things that she saw Bailey doing. I'm glad she likes her cousin and I cannot wait for their relationship to grow when Mary and her family move closer this winter.
    School is getting a lot better for me now. I still miss Ryles like mad, of course, but I feel like I am really going to enjoy teaching and having my own classroom full of students one day and I can't wait to reach that goal. I know Rylee will be proud of me for graduating college even though it's been hard. And I hope she'll know that everything I do, I do to make her life as good as I can possibly make it. I only want for her to be happy and to have everything she wants and needs. I love my babygirl with all my heart!! :)

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