Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rylee's First Halloween

      Because Liz is going to be too far along by Thanksgiving to travel, we traveled to Monteagle to celebrate Thanksgiving with my parents.We headed home on Saturday after a feast so Rylee could get ready to TrickorTreat!
     She was a moo-cow!! She looked so freakin' adorable in her little costume. But the costume was hot and itchy and she was tired, so she wasn't in the best possible mood for TrickorTreating. But she seemed to have a little bit of fun. She got money instead of candy because she can't eat candy yet, and she made quite a few bucks!

      But she was sad because all she wanted was to go to bed!!! So we hurried home and laid her down, and she was happy as can be once more!!

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