Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Pawpaw's Birthday

    Tonight we had a cookout for Pawpaw's birthday. Pawpaw is Ryan's grandfather. He's such a sweet man; I love him like my own! :) Sadly, since Ryan works second shift he wasn't able to come, but Rylee and I sure had a good time!!
     Ryan's dad cooked some hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill!! The hamburgers were sooo delicious!! I don't really eat hot dogs very often, so I'll just take everyone else's word that they were good, too! :)
      Rylee loved all of the attention that she got!! She especially likes to talk to her Nonna!!
     Everyone kind of fought over who got to hold Rylee, and she loved every minute of it! She loves being the center of attention!! :) She really likes to soak up some love from her Auntie Vicki! :)
      At the end of the night, it was finally Granny's turn to spend time with Ryles. Rylee really loves her Granny, and Granny definitely loves her Rylee! Granny was trying all night to get a chance to hold Rylee, and she was glad when it was finally her turn!!
     Rylee had so much fun, she got totally worn out!! She was passed out by the time we made the ten minute drive home!!

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