Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

She Can't Really Be 10 Months Old Yet, Can She?

      I'm sad to say it's true. My little baby is now 10 months old. I'm having a really hard time with her growing up on me. Probably because she's changing so fast! She wears size 6-9 M, size 3 shoes, and size 3 diapers. She has 5 teeth: 2 on bottom, 3 on top.
      Her favorite thing to do? SLEEP! She usually sleeps from 8:30 PM to 8:30 AM every night and takes at least two one-hour naps a day. That's at least 14 hours of sleep per day!
     She's becoming increasingly more mobile and increasingly more exploratory. She loves to go from room to room to find things to get into. Her favorite place to go is into the bathroom to get into her bath toys.
     She also LOVES to eat. I give her bits of table food here and there if she shows interest in something I am eating, but she mainly eats baby food, yogurt, and baby snacks still. She sure can put it down, though! She loves to chow down!
      She is also obsessed with books! She loves to look at them and point to things on the pages. She'll sit down and open one up and "read" it by making cute little baby talk noises and turning the pages.
     She is so very precious and her personality is infectious. She loves to rough house and wrestle. It's adorable! She'll come up to you and hit you when she wants you to tackle her and play. It's pretty amusing! I can't believe how fast she has grown! But I do believe she gets more and more beautiful each minute. :)

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