Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Cookout

    On Monday, we had a cookout at Granny and Pawpaw's to celebrate Memorial Day.
     Rylee had her first experience with bubbles. She didn't really react to them at all, but she hadn't eaten yet, and she's a grump when she's hungry, so maybe that was the problem.
     However, she did enjoy being center of attention. She's always the life of the party. :)
    She had to tell her Nonna and Granddaddy all of her stories for the day. She sees them all the time, but every time she sees them she talks like they have so much to catch up on! :)
     She loves playing with  Emilee because she's so silly, she makes her happy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

11 Months

     Well, it's time to start planning Rylee's first birthday party because she's 11 MONTHS OLD today!! I know I say this every month, but I really can't believe how fast she's growing up on me!! It's totally unreal! But I'm getting to the point where I am enjoying her growth instead of trying so hard to hold on to her as an infant.
      She is in size 3 diapers, getting into size 12 M this week, wears size 3 or 4 shoe, and has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom.
     She is getting to be so much fun. She is all over the place playing all the time. She loves to talk in her little gibberish talk. She is too cute when she starts yelling at one of her toys because it doesn't do what she wants it to. It's too funny!
     And she's showing her personality more every day. She's an adventurer and a princess all in one! :)
     Most of all, she's a giant GOOF! She is so silly. She likes to "play jokes" on us by pretending to cry and then bursting into laughter when we come grab her up. Silly girl!! I love her so! :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Anniversary Weekend in St. Louis

     Ryan and I celebrate our 2nd anniversary on Monday, so this weekend we went to St. Louis to go to Six Flags and spend some quality time together. :) 
     We arrived on Friday around 4:30 pm. Our hotel had an arcade and a pool so we spent Friday night playing around the hotel. We had an amazing time, and we had an amazing dinner at the hotel restaurant. After dinner we played at the arcade for a little while longer, then watched the 4th quarter of the Grizzlies game. 
     On Saturday morning we got up and ate breakfast, then we went outside to wait for the shuttle to Six Flags.Even though it was cool and rainy, we had a wonderful time at Six Flags! We rode rides until we couldn't ride anymore!! We were there from 11:30am -7:30pm, and we loved every minute! :)  
      We rode one of our favorite rides, American Thunder, at least a dozen times. By the last few times, we started getting silly right before we knew the camera would go off.
    On Sunday morning, we got up packed up and headed home! And even though we had a fabulous weekend, we were so glad to hold Rylee again once we got home! We sure missed her!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

    On Saturday, we spent the day at Ryan's parents' house. Rylee loves to be outdoors, so she had a blast!! She is so independent! She loved sitting in a chair by herself, but we had to keep a close eye on her. She's a brave one, and she kept trying to stand in the chair!
     We took Rylee on the 4-wheeler for the first time, and she LOVED it! She said,  "Weee!" the whole time! 
      And, of course, Rylee always has a good time goofing off with her granddaddy! She couldn't stop staring at his hat so he decided to let her try it on! :) Rylee loves her nonna and granddaddy so much. It is absolutely precious!
     On Mother's day we went to church and spent the day with family. There was some family issues going on, but Mother's Day went from bad to good very quickly. It was wonderful. Rylee makes me so proud.
     She is the best Mother's Day gift of all time!!