Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, May 21, 2011

11 Months

     Well, it's time to start planning Rylee's first birthday party because she's 11 MONTHS OLD today!! I know I say this every month, but I really can't believe how fast she's growing up on me!! It's totally unreal! But I'm getting to the point where I am enjoying her growth instead of trying so hard to hold on to her as an infant.
      She is in size 3 diapers, getting into size 12 M this week, wears size 3 or 4 shoe, and has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom.
     She is getting to be so much fun. She is all over the place playing all the time. She loves to talk in her little gibberish talk. She is too cute when she starts yelling at one of her toys because it doesn't do what she wants it to. It's too funny!
     And she's showing her personality more every day. She's an adventurer and a princess all in one! :)
     Most of all, she's a giant GOOF! She is so silly. She likes to "play jokes" on us by pretending to cry and then bursting into laughter when we come grab her up. Silly girl!! I love her so! :)

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