Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

    On Saturday, we spent the day at Ryan's parents' house. Rylee loves to be outdoors, so she had a blast!! She is so independent! She loved sitting in a chair by herself, but we had to keep a close eye on her. She's a brave one, and she kept trying to stand in the chair!
     We took Rylee on the 4-wheeler for the first time, and she LOVED it! She said,  "Weee!" the whole time! 
      And, of course, Rylee always has a good time goofing off with her granddaddy! She couldn't stop staring at his hat so he decided to let her try it on! :) Rylee loves her nonna and granddaddy so much. It is absolutely precious!
     On Mother's day we went to church and spent the day with family. There was some family issues going on, but Mother's Day went from bad to good very quickly. It was wonderful. Rylee makes me so proud.
     She is the best Mother's Day gift of all time!!

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