Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Fun

      Fall is finally here! Technically, it has been Fall for a month now, but the leaves are just now changing and everything is beautiful. Friday, after work, we took Fall pictures. They turned out amazing! We got some GREAT family photos, which is what we needed. My sister is so talented. She got some really great shots.
       This weekend, my mom came down for a visit. She got to be there for the behind the scenes picture-taking action (haha) and spend all day Saturday with us and our babies. She doesn't visit all that often, so when she does, we try and make every moment count!
      We took the kids to Pumpkins, Pines, and Ponds Saturday morning, and they had a blast! They slid down a huge inflatable slide, got their faces, painted, went on a hayride, and went through a corn maze. Last night, we all went out to dinner together and just enjoyed each other's company.
     Visits and family time are a lot of fun, but today I plan on just focusing on the 2 I love the most before I have to start another work week. :) Here are a few more family shots from the Fall photo shoot. I feel very blessed to have such a beautiful family. <3 p="p">

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Break

      This week I have been on Fall Break from work and it has been absolutely wonderful! I have loved spending all day everyday with my little princess. I love her so much!
     We were lucky that Mel and Austin came to visit this week, too. We started off my break by spending Sunday evening with Nonna, Granddaddy, and Austin. Rylee is sweet with her baby cousin. They had sun playing outside in the leaves.
      Monday we had a play date with Aunt Liz and Kaden. The kids had so much fun together. Aunt Liz's house is one of Rylee's absolute favorite places to go!
      Tuesday night, Ryan and I had a date night. It was refreshing to spend some alone time together. I love my husband so much! I am one blessed lady.
     Wednesday and Thursday nights Nonna, Grandaddy, Mel, and Austin came over. The girls LOVED making Mel read them story after story after story. Austin had fun playing with all the toys over here. Our girls are very spoiled!
      Friday we went over to Nonna and Granddaddy's and had a fire. Rylee was timid around the flames, but Bailey was obsessed with throwing sticks into the fire pit. We had a really fun night over there!
      This morning we headed to the park to play for a little bit. The kids had a lot of fun. They love going to playgrounds and parks.
      More than anything else I have enjoyed my time with Rylee this week. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love every single minute with her. She has gotten a bit spoiled this week, and daddy's gonna have his hands full next week when I go back to work and Mary starts a new job and Bailey goes to daycare. It'll be just them 2 all day every day, but I think they'll enjoy their alone time. I know I'm jealous! ;)
       My goal for this week was to get Rylee pretty much potty trained, and it worked. She is wearing big girl panties now! She's averaged 1 or less accidents per day since Wednesday! I am so proud of my big girl! She's growing up way too fast.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

If I had a super power..

       I would want the ability to travel through time. I wouldn't want this power in order to change anything, I would just go back and relive certain moments over and over again. I want to go back and hold Rylee when she was still a little baby. I can't believe how quickly she's grown up on me!
       This is Rylee around this time 2 years ago. She was so much fun at this age. She loved tummy time, and she babbled all the time. She loved to talk! She was such an early talker, and now her vocabulary is so extensive, it astonishes me at times.
          This is Rylee around this time last year. She hadn't started walking on her own yet, but she was very mobile. She was still a "baby." She loved to snuggle with me. She still ate some baby food, and rice cereal for breakfast every morning. She still did things that babies do, even though she was approaching toddler-hood.
       This is Rylee now! Definitely not a baby anymore! I love everything about this child. She is so smart, curious, and determined. She learns so quickly. She knows so many things, and she learns new things everyday. She is becoming more social and less timid. She has her own opinions about what to wear, what to eat, and what to do. She makes choices for herself. I just can't believe how fast this has all happened. I love every minute that I spend with her, and I love her big personality.
       But sometimes I just want to go back for even just an hour or so and spend some more time with my little baby. I want to snuggle her and hear her little baby babble. I want to feed her a bottle, change her, and swaddle her up in a little blankie. I love my big girl so much, but I do miss my baby!