Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, January 12, 2014

[Trying to get] Back in the Swing of Things

    We had a blast celebrating the holidays with those we love the most over our Christmas break, but this week it was time to go back to school, or at least that was the plan. However we had record low temperatures on Monday and Tuesday, so they postponed our Teacher inservice to Tuesday, so that students wold not have to be out in the single digit temperatures waiting on the busses early Tuesday morning. And what joy it was to go to teacher inservice on Tuesday only to find our boiler had gone out and we had no heat! It was a long cold day, but they got the heat back working and we had our first day back with students on Wednesday. Then Wednesday night we got some ice that made the roads too hazardous to risk having the busses run, so we were out of school on Thursday. Friday we were back in school, but it was really hard to maintain any sort of routine this week.
     The weather has been super bipolar. We go from ice, to temps in the 50's and back to ice all in the same week. It's insane. But with all the cold weather we've been having, we've been spending most of our time indoors. Luckily the girls have lots of Christmas gifts to enjoy inside. Rylee has been super into drawing and painting lately. I like seeing this more creative side to her.
       On Thursday, I spent most of my day "off" working on report cards and lesson plans, but I did take some time out of my morning to work with Rylee. She has gotten pretty good at writing her name, but Thursday was the first time I ever had her attempt her last name. I'd say she rocked it for it only being her first time! I am so impressed at how far her motor skills have come. Her gross and fine motor skills have always lagged behind her peers, but lately she's caught up and even surpassed her peers in some areas. I can't believe my baby can write!
       Speaking of motor skills, Payton sure isn't behind by any means. She's started jumping in her exersaucer, grasping toys and bringing them to her mouth, trying to hold her bottle, rolling over both ways with ease, and scooting when she's on her belly. She's also super alert and observant. She loves to babble and coo and "talk" to everyone and everything around her.
        We are well-rested after our break, and I can honestly say, I hope for NO snow days this week. I am READY to get back into routine with my sweet students, and for my precious girls to get back into their routines. We discussed in Sunday school today how God is a God of order and her created the Earth in a certain order, and that is why we long for schedules and routines. That is definitely true for me, my family, and my students.  We are also trying to get back into routine of going to Sunday school on Sunday mornings and getting to church on Wednesday nights. Ever since we had Payton, we've only been making the Sunday worship service, and I've really felt it lately. It's amazing how if you draw nearer to God, He draws nearer to you, and it feels like a drastic change if you start missing any time with him. I definitely don't want to miss out. It's hard when you get caught up in the day to day things of having small children to care for, and work, and a marriage to tend to, but my relationship with God has got to take priority or else everything else suffers! I am definitely determined to do better and draw nearer everyday. We are doing a new series, Reading God's Story, at Mary's Chapel. It is the Bible laid out in chronological order. It has really been helping me shift my focus and things already feel so much better. I'm excited to see what blessings it brings throughout 2014.

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