Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review

      This is how we spent New Year's Eve last year, and it was a blast. We plan to bring in this new year in a similar manner, but before 2013 ends, I want to rewind for a second and think about all the amazing things that have happened this year. On New Year's Eve last year, Ryan was unemployed, Mary and Bailey were living with us, we were a family of 3, and I taught first grade. A LOT has happened this year!

       This time last year, Ryan and I were just beginning to start talking about adding on to our family. Who knew everything would happen so quickly, and we'd be bringing in 2014 as a family of 4?! Now I can't imagine life without my sweet Payton Joy. I'm looking forward to watching her grow in 2014 and seeing how her and Rylee's relationship develops as she gets bigger and able to do and interact more.
      These kiddos have grown so much this year, not necessarily physically, but they have definitely matured a lot. There's no denying it, these 3 are no longer babies, they are big kids with big ideas and big personalities. I cant wait to see what memories they create together in 2014.
     What does God have in store for us in this coming year? I have no idea. I cannot see how 2014 could be any better than 2013, and I'm a little sad to see this year end. I am thankful for all the big and little changes that occurred this year that led us to where we are right now.

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