Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

     This Easter has been our best one yet. I love Easter. I love everything about it. When it's Easter is feels like Spring is finally here, and everything around is reminding us of the new creation we become when we accept Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. Seriously, I like Easter even better than Christmas! :)
      We started celebrating Easter last Saturday by attending Mary's Chapel's Easter Celebration. The kids painted rocks to remind them of the stone that was rolled away exposing the empty tomb. They planted red and white flowers to remind them of the blood that was shed and the purity that is gained from accepting the sacrifice. They also painted crosses and dyed eggs. Then they hunted Easter eggs, and filled their baskets with goodies. Sunday was Palm Sunday and Rylee and Kade learned all about how the crowds praised Jesus and laid the branches in his path less than a week before they condemned him to die.
     Wednesday was the Easter party at Daycare/Preschool. We made cross-shaped peanut butter sandwiches for the kids to enjoy at lunch. Rylee was so proud to help me. They ate lots of goodies and had an Easter egg hunt with their friends. Payton's teacher gave her a book since she's too small for goodies just yet!
     Friday was good Friday and school was out and the daycare was closed, but Mary still had to work, so Bailey spent the day with us. I had so much fun spending the day with 3 precious princesses. We watched Frozen, then played outside, then we decorated glitter eggs, then we had a picnic lunch on the deck, then the girls swam and played in the sprinkler, while Payt and I enjoyed the sunshine, then the girls made a mud pit so I had to give them a bath, then they laid in Rylee's bed playing on her Nabi until Mary and Chuck came to get Bailey.
      Saturday morning, I took Rylee to meet up with Liz and Kade and Mary and Bailey and we headed to Finley Baptist (Chuck's church) to hunt eggs and hear the real meaning of Easter. Rylee got lots of yummy candy! Then we headed to Chikfila for lunch and to let the kids play for a minute.
     We headed home so Rylee could get a quick nap, then we headed to Liz and Brandon's house for fun evening of playtime, an Easter craft and story, and another egg hunt. This egg hunt involved mostly small toys and some coins and a few chocolate candies. Each child got at least 2 dozen eggs, but Kade definitely got the most. He is a super egg hunter!

    Today is Easter. The girls woke me up bright and early, which is pretty typical, so I went ahead and got them dressed up and took some photos of them in their Easter outfits before Ryan got up (he gets annoyed by my picture addiction-haha). Then we got him up and gave the girls their Easter baskets. Rylee got Frozen, a small Frozen doll set, and a new cup. Payton got lots of little toys and teethers because she has the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to toys, and she is teething like crazy! Rylee has wanted Frozen for so long, but she has been good about not being jealous or whiny about how all of her other friends got the movie the day it came out. She as so thrilled to see it in her basket, that we popped it in right away and she and Ryan watched the entire movie together. Then we headed to church, and we had s little drama in the beginning that involved the youth. There was a man on the cross and Rylee and Kade were just going on and on about seeing "the real Jesus" and when he died, Kade said "He died for us," and when he came off the cross, Rylee said "He's alive! He's alive!" It was downright precious. Then brother Roger preached another awesome sermon.
     After church we headed to Granny and Paw Paw's for and Easter lunch and some family time. We all ate until we were beyond stuffed, then the 3 girls opened their gifts from Granny and we headed outside to do a little egg hunt for Jenna and Rylee. They were so sweet. We also had some funny moments when they got out Jenna's pink escalade toy. first she wrecked it into a bush, then Ryan and Granny each took turns driving it. It was quite amusing.
      After leaving Granny's, we headed to Nonna's where Rylee and Payton each got 2 baskets filled with gifts and a gift box filled with super cute  Spring clothes. I love how much Nonna spoils them. Then we went outside and Granddaddy and Ryan rode Rylee on the four wheeler. Then, Rylee played bubbles with Nonna while Payton swung, then Payton spent some time playing with Nonna while Rylee ate some of her candy out of her basket. It was a great day! I loved spending it with people we love and I love that we were able to spend lots of time over the last few weeks focusing on what Easter really means.

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