Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, April 25, 2014

7 Months Old

    My little Joy is 7 Months Old! She is 18.6 lbs (75th percentile) and 26.5 in. long (75th percentile). She wears size 6-9 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 2 shoes. She goes to bed around 7:30 pm and wakes up around 5 am. She is still mostly breastfed. She gets 4 oz of formula a day at daycare because I have trouble keeping up with her when it comes to pumping, but she is typically 100% breastfed on the weekends. I plan on trying to delay introduction of cow's milk until 15 months by offering her breastmilk in a sippy until then, but it just depends on if I'm able to get enough freezer milk saved up by her first birthday(when I would like to wean her). We shall see.
    For breakfast she eats 4 tbsp of infant cereal and a stage 1 fruit. For lunch, she eats a stage 2 pureed meal and a stage 1 fruit. For dinner, she eats a Gerber yogurt and a stage 1 veggie. She loves all kinds of babyfood, and we've even given her a few table foods: banana bread, rolls, crackers, and french fries. She also has started to eat Gerber puffs and Lil Crunchies. Big girl loves to eat! She's getting better at the sippy, but she still doesn't prefer it. She is also not such a great napper. Rylee was on a nap schedule of 2 naps per day 1.5-2 hours each by this age, but Payton just cat naps here and there throughout the day usually. It's hard to get her to take a real nap.
       She also is sturdy enough to take a bath sitting up now. Of course, we closely monitor her and never leave her side while she's in there, but she does really well with it. Shes only slipped once, and it was only because Rylee accidentally kicked her. Luckily, I caught her before she went under.
    She is getting stronger and stronger, but she still doesn't crawl. She scoots a little and mainly rolls around to get what she wants. I'm not rushing her becoming mobile; it gets a lot tougher to keep them safe once they can move around freely!!
      Her favorite place to be is outside. She never gets upset outdoors. She smiles at the wind and enjoys the texture of the cool grass. I like being outside, too. I love this time of year! She has also become a chatter box lately. Her favorite bable is "adadadadadada," so obviously Ryan is as proud as can be. I must admit it's super cute.
     I can't believe this little cutie is already 7 months old!! At her 6 month check-up, Dr. Melton referred us to a pediatric eye surgeon. He thinks her tear duct is not going to come unblocked on its own at this point, so she may have to have a surgery to manually unblock it. It's a quick, minor procedure, but the thought of it makes me nervous. We go for her initial consultation with the surgeon Monday, so I'll keep you updated!

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