Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekend Fun

     Friday night Bailey and Mary came over for a slumber party. It was a lot of fun. We ate pizza, played Mario, and the girls had a blast. After they went to bed, Mary and I watched old One Tree Hill episodes. It was a lot of fun.

      Saturday morning, Mary had to work, so Ryan and I took all 3 girls to the Fort Pillow Park. We played and played. We ended up staying for just over 2 hours. It is fun going somewhere we don't go a lot because everything seems brand new to the kids.
      Rylee Love and Bailey hit the ground running and were climbing and sliding and swinging the entire time. They played their hearts out!
      Payton was unsure at first, but once we took her shoes off, she went to town. She climbed and played just as hard as the big girls. She even learned how to get on the slide by herself and sit so she could go down. Of course, there was always someone nearby to catch her at the bottom! I couldn't believe how she was playing, though. It seem unreal that she is so grown.
      When we got back we had 3 very tired girls. We had some lunch and then nap time ensued. Rylee didn't seem to be feeling very well after her nap and she had a low grade temp, but she woke up fine this morning, so I guess she was just over tired. I woke up with a sore throat and sinus gunk and a temp, so I stayed home from church while Ryan took Rylee, and Payton and I caught up on some much needed rest. We had such a fun weekend, it will be good to have a lazy day today. Then only 5 work days stand between me and fall break!!

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