Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, September 6, 2014

It's September!

     I know I haven't been the best about blogging lately, but OMGoodness, August in teacher-land is pure chaos. I am glad August is over. Now hopefully the craziness will slow down a bit.... Well one can hope! The weeks have been crazy, but we've tried to pack as much fun into the weekends as possible. The weekend before last, we spent Saturday swimming at Nonna and Granddaddy's!
      Unfortunately, I spent that Saturday night with Rylee in Urgent care with high fever and sore throat. Her fist case of strep throat! Luckily the antibiotics got to work quickly and she was good as new before long.
 Last weekend was Labor Day weekend. You know I love a 3-day-weekend! Saturday morning, I spent some quality time with the girls while daddy slept in. Rylee wanted me to give her some make-up. It was a lot of fun. Then we made breakfast and woke daddy up so we could eat as a family.
    After breakfast we headed to Memphis to start shopping for Payton's birthday presents, and then we headed to the mall. Payton took her first carousel ride! She had so much fun. She was giggling the entire time! And then Rylee wanted to jump. She is so brave!
     Sunday we went to church and Ryan and I had a much-needed date night. Monday, we spent the day swimming at Nonna and Granddaddy's and then enjoyed a delicious dinner with them and Granny and Paw Paw. It was a beautiful day.
        Even though this was the first week of September and a short week, things definitely did not slow down. I love what I do, but with all the programs and strategies and things we are supposed to implement each year (sometimes it seems like each week), it's hard to keep up. It did not help that Thursday, I had to leave school less than 10 minutes after I arrived because Rylee had a stomach bug. Luckily, it was short lived and she spent most of our sick day sleeping while I tried to catch up on school work, and we were able to return to school on Friday.
      Today, we had a restful morning. I spent time playing and cuddling with the girls, then after lunch they napped and I worked on school work a little. Then Ryan took Rylee to the Dyer County Fair and I stayed home with sweet Payton Joy. I had so much fun being here one-on-one with her. She is growing up so fast and I feel like I'm missing so much of it. It really breaks my heart. But a night like tonight was good for me. Now she is sleeping peacefully in her crib, and I have a little bit of alone time before Ryan and Rylee get home. In a mommy's life alone time is few and far between, so I am gonna enjoy my time tonight.

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