Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

     This year I let Rylee Love pick her own costume for the very first time. Her original choice was Princess Peach from Mario, but that was hard to find and was going to end up being expensive, so her second choice was Elsa from Frozen. Of course, that meant baby sister needed to be Anna. I knew a lot of other little girls would be dressed up as Elsa this year, but it didn't matter. I think I had the most beautiful ice queen and little princess of them all. ;)
     We started our Halloween fun last Saturday at Mary Chapel's trunk or treat. It was a lot of fun. The kids got a ton of candy, and there were bouncy houses and a hayride, too. The weather was nice and the company was nicer. :)
     This week was drug free week at school, so Rylee Love got to dress out of dresscode every day. Our theme was staying drug free all year long, so each day was a different holiday. Of course, today was Halloween, so the kids were allowed to wear Halloween shirts or black and orange to school. Payton had her Halloween party at daycare today, and it's the first year she got to participate since last year she hadn't even started daycare yet on Halloween, plus she would've been too small to participate in a party anyways.
      After school, I got Bailey, Rylee Love, and PAyton dressed up in their costumes and we headed to meet Mary at the Ripely Square to trunk or treat. It was really nice, and there were lots of people giving out candy, but it was COLD. The wind was blowing and it was too intense for us, so we went around quickly and then headed to the cozy warmth of Nonna and Granddaddy's house. Liz and Brandon and Kaden met us there, and the kids had a blast playing together at Nonna's house. Of course she spoiled them with goodies. That's what Nonna's are for, right?!
     After we left Nonna's we headed to Granny and Paw Paw's. Matt and Amber and Jenna were there. It Rylee Love and Payton had fun playing with Jenna for a bit until Payton got tired and cranky. Granny gave the girls way too much candy, but again that's what Grannys are for, right?!, and then we headed home.
   IT has been a VERY long day. After trying to keep 20 hyped up kindergartners on task all day, and then our Halloween festivities tonight with the girls, I am wiped out. Tomorrow we are headed to my parent's to celebrate Thanksgiving since it was the only weekend in November that worked with everyone's schedule, so I better get some rest before another very fun but very busy day tomorrow. Good night!

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