Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thanksgiving Round 1

      Yesterday, we drove to Middle TN to visit my parents and have Thanksgiving dinner with them. I would say it was the perfect way to kick off November. It was cold outside, so the kids played indoors. There was a lot of rough housing going on, but luckily only a few boos boos and all of them were minor. Such is life with 4 rowdy toddlers under one roof! ;)
     This was Payton's first time eating a Thanksigiving meal, and she ate like a champ. She had a full adult-sized plate and ate almost every bit of it. She got a little messy, but what would you expect, she's only one! ;) I love how she's such a good eater right now. I hope she's always this way!
     Payton got tuckered out from all the fun and took a little catnap in Aunt Mary's arms. It's hard to get her to nap when she's not at home, and she will not let me rock her to sleep anymore, but she'll still go down if someone else does the rocking. She was so precious napping on her Aunt Mary. And Aunt Mary must have had her extra comfy clothes on or something because later, Rylee Love and Kaden decided to come snuggle with her, too. What sweet memories.
    While we were there, Liz took some family photos of us. It was cold outside, but the pictures turned out so pretty. I love my little family so! And these two girls have my heart! I love how much they love each other. It makes me so happy.
        Our first Thanksgiving celebration was a definite success! I love this time of year, getting to spend time with everyone we love! I am 100% thankful for family and all the memories we get to make together. :)

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