Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's 2015 & Bailey is 5!

       Tuesday was Bailey Anne's 5th birthday! I can't believe my sweet niece is already 5 years old! She spends her afternoons in my classroom playing with Rylee Love each day waiting on me to drop her off at daycare, and I love getting to spend a little time each day with this princess! I'm going to be sad when this school year ends and I no longer get to see her sweet face everyday! She is such a blessing to our lives and she and Rylee Love are definitely trouble together, but in the best kind of way!
     I had parent teacher conferences until 7 both Tuesday and Thursday this week, so Friday as soon as I got out of professional development, I rushed to picked up my 2 sweeties! When Ryan got home, he came bearing gifts from Granny and Paw Paw. My girls are way too spoiled. After they opened their gifts and I spent some quality time with them, we headed to Mary's house to have dinner and playtime with Mary and Bailey, Grandma and Grandpa and Liz and Kaden.
     Yesterday was Valentine's Day. The girls woke up to their Valentines from Ryan and I. Payton got new balls for her ball pit and Rylee got a stuffed bear and she got to make a stuffed poodle at school on Thursday. I made some raspberry muffins for breakfast and we enjoyed a morning of playtime and relaxation.
     Then we got ready to go to Bailey's birthday party. I made the girls matching Valentine's shirts. I am really loving my sewing/embroidery machine.
    Bailey had her party at the Holiday Inn so she could have a pool party. The kids had a blast swimming in the middle of winter! Payton is such a little dare devil. She was not afraid of the water at all. She kept trying to jump in on her own. We have to keep a close eye on our wild child.
     Bailey seemed to get everything she wanted. She was so happy and thankful for all her gifts. She's such a sweet little girl. Her cousins watched her open gifts and oohed and ahhed over every one. I can't believe how growny they are. After gifts, Payton enjoyed 2 whole pieces of cake, while the others got back in the pool. Liz and I joined the kids swimming. It was a blast!
     I am so glad Bailey had an amazing birthday, and I know 2 little girls who had a blast helping her celebrate! We love you Bailey Anne! You fill our lives with such joy and laughter. There is no one quite as sassy, silly, brave, and kind as you are. I can't wait to see what you become, sweet girl!

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