Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Snow Week!

     We got the whole week off of school due to winter weather, and it was a much needed break! After the long hours and hyped-up kiddos last week, I think all the teachers felt like they needed some time away from school. Sunday, we knew a storm was coming, but we weren't sure exactly what we'd be getting, and since Monday was President's Day and we were out of school anyways, some feared we wouldn't even see 1 "snow day" out of it. 
      Sunday morning we went to church and then out to lunch with Nonna and Granddaddy. Then we went over to their house to pick up the girls' Valentines from them. My girls are so spoiled! Then we spent the afternoon relaxing and spending time together as a family.

      Unfortunately, late Sunday night, I woke up with the dreaded stomach virus. Ryan had it last Tuesday, and Rylee seemed to have a small touch of it last Wednesday night, but I thought I had avoided it. I was wrong. I was sick all night Sunday into Monday morning, then I was out of commision the rest of the day Monday. It was so icy, that Ryan was unable to make it to work, and I was glad. I definitely needed him to take care of the kids, so I could rest and try to feel better!
   Tuesday I woke up feeling good as new. Somehow Ryan made it to work, even though the roads were still TERRIBLE. I took the girls outside to play on the ice, and they had a BLAST. Rylee Love hunted icicles and removed them from everywhere she could find them, and Payton slipped and slid all around the yard. We spent the rest of the day playing indoors.
      Wednesday morning, we woke up to a dusting of snow. The girls were so excited to see it, but it was too cold to go out in it. We played inside all day. Payton started getting extra crabby and was refusing to nap or sleep well. I couldn't deiced if she was getting cabin fever or starting to get sick.
    I got my answer Thursday morning when she woke up after a night of barely any sleep and lots of coughing with yellow gunk coming from her eyes and green runny nose. My road and the highways were fine, so I took her to her Dr. The parking lot at her Dr.'s office was a total sheet of ice! It was scary. Rylee loved it though and ice-skated all the way to the door! Payton's Dr. check her out and she had a double ear infection with pus coming from both ears! Poor thing. He gave her an antibiotic shot to jump start the healing process because they were infected so badly and put her on an oral antibiotic to kick the infection the rest of the way.
    Since we were already out and about, we decided to make a day of it, so we headed to our favorite place, Chikfila. The girls ate and played, and it was good to be out of the house for a little while. Then we brought Ryan some lunch and headed to Walmart to pick up Payton's medicine.
   This morning the girls helped me clean up the playroom and their bedrooms. Things were a mess with us being stuck indoors all week, and it had gotten to the point where they couldn't even play because we couldn't find the floor! Then I caught up on housework while the girls did some art. They colored and painted, and when Payton went to nap Rylee Love practiced her cutting and pasting skills to make more art.
    I am so thankful to have had this week off with my silly girls. I love every minute I get to spend with them. We were disappointed we didn't get much snow and we couldn't make a snowman or snow angels or anything like that, but getting this time off to rest and play has been gift enough. Despite me starting out this week being sick, and ending it with Payton getting sick, we have had a great week. Our batteries have been fully recharged, and we are ready to kick next week's booty! :)

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