Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bailey's Birthday and Valentine's Day

     Friday, the kids had their class Valentine's parties. They got to enjoy treats and pass out little Valentine's cars to all their friends. They both had a blast.
     Saturday was Bailey's birthday party. I can't believe she is 6! I seriously wish time would slow down!! She had her party at Bounce With Us and the kids had a blast jumping and playing games. After her party we headed to her house to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa, Liz  and Brandon, and of course Chuck and Mary. It was a lot of fun. The kids had a blast trying out all of Bailey's new toys.
     Today is Valentine's Day. The girls woke up to their Valentine's from us, Reese's hearts, dancing animals, and new flip-flops. The were thrilled. They danced witht heir animals until it was time for church.
    We got ready for church and headed that way, only to get a call when we were almost there that the parking lot had iced over and was too dangerous to hold church today. So back home we went. Ryan went over to his parents' house to visit with Mel and her kiddos, the kids and I stayed home because Austin was running fever, and we are trying to go 1 week this cold and flu season without someone being sick... All in all, we had a good Valentine's day. Maybe they can actually wear these outfits out of the house next year... haha.

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