Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Payton's First Trip to the Dentist

     Today, I took a sick day to take the girls to Dyersburg for their dentist appointments. This was Payton's first trip to the dentist and she did great. Rylee Love got a got report, and the dentist said everything looked good for Payton, too. Her 2 year molars are nearly all the way in. The dentist did mention that Payton has a significant crossbite that will likely require minor oral surgery to correct around the age of 7. He said it's mainly cosmetic, but can also cause minor speech impediment until it is corrected. He mentioned it may have been caused by an overly strong sucking reflex that she would have been born with, and this could also be why it took a long time to be able to wean her off the pacifier.
    Both girls behaved very well and were rewarded with a trip to Chik-fil-a following their appointments. This was the perfect way to spend a "sick" day.

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