Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Sick St. Patrick's Day

       Yesterday, Rylee came to me at lunch crying. She hadn't eaten a thing and was complaining her throat and head hurt. I took her to the nurse who said her throat was red and had some puss in it, and her temp was at 99.7, not quite a fever yet but close enough that it looked like that was where it was heading. So I took and "early out" and took her to urgent care to figure out what was going on. They did a strep test (negative) and then a flu test (positive). I couldn't believe it. She had the flu in January. How was this possible?! But the doctor did assure us since she had her nasal mist this year AND had already contracted the flu once this year, that this round should be easier on her...
    So far, so good. Her temperature never did go up and higher, but we did spend today at home to rest up just in case it decided to spike. Payton enjoyed a free day at home with mama and sissy, and Rylee got the rest she needed. As long as no temp spikes during the night, we can go to school tomorrow! I'm so excited we won't have to miss egg hunt day. It was sad enough to miss St. Patrick's day and the leprechaun's visit...

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