Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring Break 2016

     We started Spring Break off right! Friday was Egg Hunt day at our school and at Payton's daycare. The kids had a blast collecting Easter Eggs with all of their friends at school. Then Friday night we celebrated the start of Spring Break by eating dinner at my favorite place: Kissell's Kitchen. They have the best barbecue. It is so good!
     Saturday we celebrated Liz's birthday with a family trip to Jackson. We went to lunch at Chili's, then Brandon and Ryan took Kaden, Rylee, and Payton to the park while Liz, Levi, and I did a little shopping. Afterwards we all met back up at ChuckECheese. It was a blast!
    Sunday was the first official day of Spring, but it sure didn't feel like it. The sun was out, but we had flurries off and on most of the day. Brrrr.
      Monday the girls and I stayed home and relaxed. We decorated Easter cookies, cleaned the house a bit, and played together. It was great.
    Tuesday, I took the girls for haircuts. It was Payton Joy's first haircut. She did really well. Afterwards I took them to Olympic for lunch. It was a perfect girls day.

     Wednesday we went to the park with Liz, Kaden, and Levi. It was cool, so we didn't stay at the park very long.
    After the park, we went to Liz's house to play inside for a while. Then somehow Rylee convinced me to have a sleepover at Kaden's house. It hurt my heart to have her spend the night away, but she had an absolute blast. I'm proud of her for staying. She's attempted sleepovers in the past, but always ended up wanting to come home before the night was over.
    Yesterday, Payton and I did a little grocery shopping, then went to pick up Rylee. When we got home, we painted sun catchers to hang on our front window. Oh, how I love being able to spend my days with these 2 girls. I wish Spring Break didn't have to end!

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