Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rylee Love, First-Grader!

     Can you believe it?! Well, it's true! My little Love Bug is officially in first grade! Today was technically her "first day" but really it was just a registration day, starting on Monday she will be a full-time firstie!
    Payton Joy has been moved up in Daycare from the 2 year old room to the 3-year-old Preschool class. Because of her birthday, she won't be in kindergarten for 3 more years, but going to preschool early never hurt anyone! The earlier the better, I'd say. She's so excited to have her own little backpack and lunchbox. So of course, she had to take a picture with big sister this morning. She insists she's going to first grade, too. Slow down, sweet girl!
    I had to lead my parent orientation for my incoming Pre-K parents today, so Rylee had to spend a few hours in her new class. She was so nervous this morning, it made my heart hurt, but as soon as she walked to her class, she was greeted by an "old" friend from kindergarten and she went right in. I am so excited about this year. Her teacher, Ms. Beth, is AWESOME! She is so positive and upbeat and she has so much fun in her class. I know Rylee is going to have a blast and learn A LOT! At her physical this summer, her pediatrician suggested Rylee might need to repeat kindergarten due to her anxiety (even though she excels academically), but I prayed on it and talked to Ryan, and it just did NOT feel right. Today she did so great, and she is so excited about this year and her new teacher. I know 100% without a doubt that we made the right choice.
     Our life has been totally turned upside down this week. Sunday night we found out that we have to move out of our home by the end of the month. We were completely shocked. There have been lots of tears and lots of anxiety, but I have faith that God will turn this stress into something good. There was such a pretty sunrise this morning. It made me smile and think that God was trying to reassure me in this time of such uncertainty. Pray for us while we spend this month house-hunting, packing AND trying to balance the back-to-school madness.  Is it September yet?!

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