Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Goodbye Summer Break!

    These are the only 2 pictures I took last week. If you know me at all, you know that that is CRAZY! Monday and Tuesday we stayed home, I worked on tshirt orders and spent time playing with my girls. Then Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I worked in my classroom. I took the girls with me and they loved helping clean and playing with all my centers, but I still felt bad they were spending so much time there, so Friday, we left around 2 and I took the girls to the Splash pad for a couple of hours to make up for being cooped up in my classroom so much. They loved it.
    Saturday morning, we went to Chuck's parents' pool and swam with Mary and Bailey! It was so much fun. The girls played and splashed, then cried when it was time to go. Payton had Uncle Chuck wrapped around her finger getting her snacks while we swam. Food is truly the way to that child's heart. (She gets it from her mama! Haha.)
    Saturday evening, we went to Grecian to celebrate Granny's 82nd birthday! Then we went to her house for cake and presents. Payton and Jenna even sang Happy Birthday to Granny. It was precious.
 Monday, we stayed home and I spent the entire day deep cleaning the house one last time before school starts. Tuesday, we went to El Patio and then to the movies to see Ice Age. We didn't like it quite as much as Secret Life of Pets, but it was still really cute.
    Wednesday we went  to Chikfila and then Bounce with Us with Liz, Kaden, Levi, Mary, and Bailey. The kids had so much fun playing together.
    Thursday I took the girls back to my classroom just to put a few finishing touches on it. I'm so excited with how it turned out! I can't wait for it to be filled with my 20 new "babies".
    Friday night, Ryan and I dropped the girls off at Nonna and Granddaddy's and headed to Jackson for a rare date night! We had an amazing, delicious, fabulous dinner at Outback and finally used a gift card that I got for Christmas...haha. Then we went to couple stores to do some shopping, but didn't find anything, so we headed back to Ripley to pick up our little punkins! It was a great night! I love this goofy man, so!
    Yesterday we had a faculty decorating day at school from 9-12, then I went and got some groceries. Once I got home we spent the rest of the day spending time together as a family. The girls painted their faces with their bath paint and thought it was so funny. I love them!
    Today is the last day of Summer Break. We have had so much fun this summer and been on so many adventures. I have loved every minute with these 2 girls. I am a little sad to return to work tomorrow, but mainly because inservice weeks are just not any fun. Once I have a class full of kiddos, I will be thrilled. It also helps that these 2 are so excited about school starting back. I am glad to have 2 babies that love school. I hope they always do...

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