Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day Weekend 2016

   Well, we got moved in last weekend. Thankfully, we had lots of help or we never would have got it done. Even so, it was absolutely exhausting, and the unpacking seemed endless.
    I felt like a zombie all week, going through the motions, but unable to focus. It was crazy. We were so excited when this weekend rolled around because 3-day weekends are the best, and I knew we could get a lot done and get some much needed rest.
     Saturday, the kids enjoyed playing outside for most of the day while I finished unpacking inside, and Ryan ran some errands in town. The weather was gorgeous, and the kids had a blast. I got everything unpacked, pictures hung, and the house cleaned. Then I could finally rest.
     Sunday, we went to church. It was such a great service on marriage on God's design for relationships. I really enjoyed it. But then, on the way home, Ryan went off the road a bit onto the shoulder, but unfortunately the shoulder had been washed out and he hit a big pothole which damaged both of passenger side rims and flattened the tires. We are thankful that we didn't have an accident as a result of hitting the hole, but it does stink to have another unexpected expense come up after having such a rough month in August. I'm really wondering if we will ever be able to catch up.
    Today we spent the morning talking with the insurance company to get a claim started, so my car could get fixed. They set us up with a rental car, but when we went into town to pick it up, the rental place was closed for the holiday, so Ryan is going to have to pick it up tomorrow. We tried to make the best of it while we were already in town, so we stopped by Granny and Paw Paw's and the girls had a blast playing with Maddy and Jenna.

    So far, the kids are loving the new house. August was really tough on them, but after the move they both seem so much more relaxed and happy. Now that everything is unpacked and in place, it is starting to feel like home. I don't know when life will settle down for us, but I'm really hoping we catch a break soon. But no matter what comes, I trust God has a plan and He's working all this craziness for good.

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