Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Payton Joy is 3!

      My BABY is 3, y'all! I'm not sure how it happened, but the past 3 years have absolutely flown by! We love our Payt-the-Great so very much! She is so energetic and full of life. She brings joy and laughter wherever she goes! I am so very glad that God chose me to be this angel's mommy!
    Well, we had 3 days of birthday fun for our 3-year-old darling. We started on Friday with her preschool party. She was so excited to bring cupcakes and cheeto puffs to share with all of her friends!
    Saturday we had her birthday party. She chose a Paw Patrol theme this year and it turned out super cute! She begged for "2 ponytails" and I think her curly little pigtails just perfectly matched her sassy little personality so.
  She got so many presents and she loved them all and has been playing toys evy free moment she has had since she opened them, but if you ask her what her favorite part of the party was, she will say "hitting the pinata!" I think all the kids loved that!
    She absolutely loved when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to her. She and her sister are polar opposites in that area. Ha! She also enjoyed eating some chocolate ice cream and making herself a "mustache". It was such a great little party. I am so thankful that we were able to celebrate her little life with lots of people who love her!
 Today is her birthday. We had our church picnic today and she thought it was another party for her. Of course no one told her differently.
     When we got home from the picnic, we gave Payton 3 presents: 1 from Rylee, 1 from Mommy, and 1 from Daddy. Rylee picked her out a Princess Zelda doll and stick puppet and she has been so excited to give it to Payton. She was thrilled when Payton opened them and loved them. It makes my heart glad to see Rylee being so loving and generous to her sister.
    I got Payt a talking minion toy and Ryan got her a nerf gun. She loved it all. She is one spoiled little lady. We love her so much, it's impossible not to spoil her a little! 
   Unfortunately, after she opened her presents, we realized she felt warm and took her temp. It was over 101, almost 102. She hasn't been herself this whole week and ran some low grade temps here and there, but never anything I'd really call a fever, but today it really hit her. I was sad she was sick on her birthday, but Ryan took her to urgent care and it turns out she has a double ear infection. The nurses felt so bad that she was in urgent care on her birthday that they gave her all the stickers she wanted and a slushie! She was so excited. She came home talking all about it. She keeps saying it has been the best day ever. I'm glad she doesn't let anything get her down. She's my little Joy!

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