Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, December 19, 2016

Christmas Concerts

      Friday night and Sunday morning, we had our church Christmas cantata and readers' theatre. We practiced all month, and the kids did so good! Rylee had a bit of stage fright and hugged my leg the entire time, but she sang beautifully and it went really well.
     The readers' theatre was put on by our church's adult choir and it was very powerful. We loved it.
    Tonight MES had its annual choir concert and 1st graders were the special guests. After Rylee's stage fright in front of our church, I didn't know how she would do, but she rocked it. It was so cute! They sang 2 songs and had little dance moves they did with them. It was adorable.
   Nonna and Granddaddy even drove out to Munford to see her perform. She was so excited. Now we only have 1/2 day of school tomorrow standing between us and Christmas Break! We can't wait!

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