Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, December 3, 2016

My and Kaden's Birthdays!

    Yesterday was my birthday! I turned 27-yikes! I'm inching closer and closer to that big 3-0, but actually I don't mind. I had a great birthday, at school my class celebrated with mini cupcakes that Ms. Brown bought. When I got home I was surprised to see Ryan's car in the driveway! He took a half-day so he could spend my birthday with me! I was so surprised and excited to have him home. Then we headed to Olympic to have dinner with Liz and the boys to celebrate. It was a perfect day! :)
    Today our Kade-man turned 6! It doesn't seem right that our babies are all 6 now, but time has a way of flying by. Kade got a new puppy for his birthday. He named him Helix. Helix was the star of the party! He's such a sweet little puppy.
    We ate pizza, watched Kade open presents, then headed outside so he could try out his big present: a new bow! After he got the hang of his new bow, we had a huge nerf gun war. It was so much fun. Everyone got into it, kids and adults alike.
    I love having my birthday so close to Kaden's because it always feels like the celebration lasts longer that way! He is such a sweet, compassionate, smart, energetic boy and I love getting to be his Aunt!

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