Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, January 9, 2017

The First Snow of 2017

     Teachers went back to school from Christmas Break on Wednesday, and students came back on Thursday. Then on Friday, it snowed! I guess God thought we needed another break after working for 2 whole days! Haha! The weathermen were acting like we weren't really going to get anything, so I had a feeling we just might. When my alarm went off at 5 Friday morning, it was snowing heavily and it didn't stop until nearly 11. I had 2 very excited little girls begging to go outside and play in it.
    So, of course, that's what we did. It was so cold out, but they had too much fun to care. It was too dry and fluffy to make snowmen, but it didn't stop Rylee from making snowballs that would explode into freezing snow puffs when she threw them at us. It was so funny.
     We played outside for about 45 minutes before we were too cold to take it any more. Then we spent the rest of the day playing inside, enjoying our unexpected day off.
     Ryan had to work Friday, so Saturday morning, the girls convinced him he needed to play in the snow with them. It was still so cold, but they played outside for over an hour before calling it quits.
   Sunday, we stayed in all day and spent time together as a family. It was still below freezing so some of the roads were still pretty rough, so we couldn't make it to church. Since it never got above freezing all weekend, the roads were still too bad this morning for us to go to school, so we got another snow day. It finally warmed up today, and everything is finally melting away. The girls spent a lot of time outside today while I worked on some lesson plans and tried to make sure I am back on track to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. We had such a fun long weekend. And now I can't wait to get back to school and hear all about how my 20 Pre-K babies spent their snow days!

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