Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trying to Catch our Breath

    Earlier this month, Ryan returned to work at American Greetings and his old shift of 3:30-11:30. That shift wasn't so bad when I was in college. I still saw him a lot and he was able to watch Rylee while I was in class with assistance from his parents or grandparents when our schedules overlapped, so Rylee didn't have to go to daycare or anything. But things are different now. I work full time, Rylee is in school, and Payton is in preschool, so this shift means we only get to see him on Saturdays and Sundays. The girls and I have been struggling to adjust to this new schedule, but I think we are finally getting used to it. We sure do enjoy our weekends together, now!
     Last Saturday, I took the girls to a birthday party while Ryan worked on his car. Towards the end of the party, there was a lot of noise and Rylee got a little overstimulated. So she was pretty on edge the rest of the evening, and then she fell asleep in my lap while we were at dinner. When we got home, she was ready to eat and play with daddy and then Payton Joy fell asleep laying on me in bed watching cartoons. It was a tough day, Payton is going through a "threenager" phase. She has been super over-dramatic and whiny over every little thing. Rylee was just overwhelmed, but that doesn't make her meltdowns any easier to deal with... But when they fall asleep on me like this, it reminds me that they are still my little babies and this too shall pass. I will savor each memory with them. They won't stay little forever.
      Friday night we went to Chickfila and then cosmic bounce with Liz, Brandon, Kade, and Levi. It was a lot of fun. The girls were both in great moods and other than the gemstone falling out of Payton Joy's 25 cent ring, we didn't have any major crises.
    But Rylee wasn't feeling 100%. The weather has been bouncing back and forth so I was hoping that's all it was, but wh she was up all night Saturday night coughing, I decided to take her to urgent care. Sure enough, she has Strep - again! Then this morning I woke up feeling terrible and Payton was very congested, so we went to the doctor, and it turns out I have strep, too. Payton Joy has an upper respiratory infection. So after lots of copays and antibiotics for everyone, hopefully we will be good as new in no time.

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