Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Rylee's First Grade Awards

     Today was First Grade Awards Day at MES. Rylee was able to participate with her classmates in the awards ceremony.
    She received 2 awards: the "A" Honor Roll award for staying on the Principal's List all 4 nine weeks of the school year and the Paw Award for earning the most AR points in her class this school year. She was absolutely thrilled.
     We are so proud of our hard working girl! She was so excited that her daddy was able to come to see her get the awards. She doesn't usually get to see him on a weekday because of his work schedule, so she was overjoyed to get to spend a few minutes with him afterwards.

     From her first day of first grade until now... Wow! I can't believe she is going to second grade! Time sure flies! We have absolutely loved Ms. Beth. She has done so much for Rylee and helped her to grow tremendously. I can't believe Rylee's time in her class is coming to an end. We are sure gonna miss her!

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