Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017

    Saturday, we ran a few errands and spent some quality time together as a family. Sunday we went to church and then headed home to change clothes so we could drop the girls off with Nonna and Granddaddy and go to dinner alone for the first time this year. Unfortunately, Rylee had a meltdown as soon as we got  our departure was delayed, but after I drove her home to get her 3DS which she had forgotten, all was well and we could head off on our way.
     We both absolutely adore our children, but we also know it is important to invest time into our marriage as well. It was great to get some alone time and enjoy each other's company. When we got back, Nonna and Granddaddy had started a fire in the fire pit, and we enjoyed sitting around it with them for a while before we headed back home to put the kids to bed.
   Monday we headed back to Nonna and Granddaddy's for some family fun! The kids played on the water slide for hours. They had such a blast. I might've even gone down the slide, too. It was such a beautiful day! We also took the cover off of the big pool so Granddaddy could start getting it ready for lots of summer swimming. I can't wait! We enjoyed steaks on the grill, and lots of fun and laughs with each other before the night was done.

       This weekend could not have been more perfect. I so enjoy getting to spend time with my family. And I love all the outdoor time we get to enjoy this time of year.

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