Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Monday, July 31, 2017

Goodbye, Summer Break

       We spent our last weekend of Summer Break enjoying every minute. Friday morning, we finally got the last load of stuff from the old house and got it all cleaned up so we could turn in our keys. Whew! Friday night, we went to bounce With Us with the Joneses. The kids jumped and played their hearts out.
      Saturday, we went swimming at Nonna and Granddaddy's. It was so much fun. Rylee was so excited to show her daddy her "new trick". She spent the entire afternoon treading water. I can't believe her legs didn't get tired!
     Yesterday, we went to church and then came home and changed and ate some lunch before heading to The Emoji Movie. It was so much fun. After the movie, we did some back to school shopping. It was a lot of fun. Today is the last day of Summer Break. We are just taking it easy and trying to make sure we are caught up on everything before the craziness begins tomorrow. Wish us luck!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Catching Our Breath

      The last few weeks have been absolute insanity. We have been working on the new house from the time we wake up every morning until late most nights, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
     We started sleeping in the new house last Thursday night, so we've been living here for about a week. We moved the bulk of our stuff in last weekend. Moving is so exhausting. I pray we never move again! We still have a few things left at the other house, but we are mostly moved in at this point.
      Tuesday, Liz had to work, so Kaden came and spent the day with us at our new house. The kids had a blast playing games and keeping each other occupied while I was busy unpacking and organizing.
     After another long day of trying to get the house together on Wednesday, the girls and I went for little swim at Nonna and Granddaddy's Wednesday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and a much needed break from the madness.
     Rylee Love even learned how to tread water on her own. She also jumped off the latter and went under a few times. I'm so proud of how brave she is getting. At this rate, she will be swimming by the end of next summer.
      Thursday, we went up the the school to start working on my classroom. I had some great helpers, and I was really glad Ryan could come with me this year so I didn't have to move all the furniture around on my own.
     Tonight, we went to dinner with Mary and Bailey and then to Bounce With Us. The girls had a blast together. I am so proud and Rylee and Payton and how well they have behaved throughout all the work we have been doing lately. I am glad they have gotten a couple of fun nights in this week and hopefully life will slow down a little soon, so we can enjoy more time together.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Discovery Park of America

      We have been working on our new house nonstop since we got the keys, but today the kids and I took a little break to spend the day at the Discovery Park of America with Nonna, Granddaddy, Austin, and Callie.
      It was so much fun. The kids were running from exhibit to exhibit because they were so excited to see everything. I wish I had as much energy as they do, but it was a blast seeing how excited they were.
       They played and explored every single exhibit that they could. It was so great to watch them learn and be excited about learning. Their favorite was this water cyclone that they could throw the balls into and watch them rotate.
      They loved making silly faces in this thermal camera. And the kids were impressed that Rylee could actually play this antique piano.
     Then we headed outside and they bounced in bouncy houses, ate ice cream, and played on the playground. They had an absolute blast. It was definitely a quiet ride back home. When we got back, we brought some dinner to Ryan who was working at the new house and we did a few more things over there before calling it a night. Overall, it was a great day!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July

     We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Sunday we went to church. Afterwards, we went to Jackson to buy some paint and other supplies for our new house. The girls' favorite part was our trip to Baskin Robbins before we headed home. I must say, I enjoyed that part, too!
     Monday, we went to see Despicable M3. It was so cute. We all had a good day spending time together. I love family days.
     Today is the 4th! We started our day with some swimming with the Joneses at Nonna and Granddaddy's pool. Then we went home to change and headed to Covington to run a few errands.
     Then we headed over to the Jones residence to spend the evening celebrating the holiday. Brandon made some barbecue...
      The kids swam and played in the sprinkler and on the slip-n-slide...
     It rained for a little bit, and then this beautiful double rainbow appeared...
     And of course, we lit a few fireworks. Rylee Love was obsessed with the sparklers this year! She used to be terrified of them, so this is a big difference.
     Rylee Love stayed over for a sleepover with Kaden, and little Joy was ready to pass out as soon as we got home. It was such a fun day!