Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July

     We had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Sunday we went to church. Afterwards, we went to Jackson to buy some paint and other supplies for our new house. The girls' favorite part was our trip to Baskin Robbins before we headed home. I must say, I enjoyed that part, too!
     Monday, we went to see Despicable M3. It was so cute. We all had a good day spending time together. I love family days.
     Today is the 4th! We started our day with some swimming with the Joneses at Nonna and Granddaddy's pool. Then we went home to change and headed to Covington to run a few errands.
     Then we headed over to the Jones residence to spend the evening celebrating the holiday. Brandon made some barbecue...
      The kids swam and played in the sprinkler and on the slip-n-slide...
     It rained for a little bit, and then this beautiful double rainbow appeared...
     And of course, we lit a few fireworks. Rylee Love was obsessed with the sparklers this year! She used to be terrified of them, so this is a big difference.
     Rylee Love stayed over for a sleepover with Kaden, and little Joy was ready to pass out as soon as we got home. It was such a fun day!

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