Lamentations 3:40

"Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord."

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Discovery Park of America

      We have been working on our new house nonstop since we got the keys, but today the kids and I took a little break to spend the day at the Discovery Park of America with Nonna, Granddaddy, Austin, and Callie.
      It was so much fun. The kids were running from exhibit to exhibit because they were so excited to see everything. I wish I had as much energy as they do, but it was a blast seeing how excited they were.
       They played and explored every single exhibit that they could. It was so great to watch them learn and be excited about learning. Their favorite was this water cyclone that they could throw the balls into and watch them rotate.
      They loved making silly faces in this thermal camera. And the kids were impressed that Rylee could actually play this antique piano.
     Then we headed outside and they bounced in bouncy houses, ate ice cream, and played on the playground. They had an absolute blast. It was definitely a quiet ride back home. When we got back, we brought some dinner to Ryan who was working at the new house and we did a few more things over there before calling it a night. Overall, it was a great day!

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